Wall Bracing III Certification Quiz

Once you have passed and submitted the quiz, you will receive your AIA or ICC Certificate of Completion.

Learning Objectives

  • Apply the IRC wall bracing provisions to example plans
  • Understand the IRC simplified wall bracing method
  • Understand the APA simplified wall bracing method
  • Input plan information into the APA Wall Bracing Calculator


1. In which of the following scenarios would the seismic provisions need to be checked?
2. What must you do to apply the IRC Simplified Method to a single-family residence in Seismic Design Category D?
3. When using the IRC Simplified Method on a two-story house, how do you account for a one-story attached garage?
4. The online APA Wall Bracing Calculator is based on:
5. Which of the following narrow bracing methods counts as a full bracing unit when using the IRC Simplified Method?
6. With the IRC Simplified Method, how can you reduce the minimum bracing length to three feet?
7. According to APA’s full-house testing, which of the following code-prescribed bracing methods resisted the most load?
8. Which of the following are advantages to the APA Simplified Method vs. the IRC Simplified Method?
9. What are the options if a side of the house is longer than 60 feet when using the APA Simplified Method?
10. What is the difference in the placement requirements between the IRC prescriptive method and the two simplified methods?