Designing Engineered Wood Diaphragm Systems
Wednesday, May 22 | 10-11 a.m. PDT
Diaphragms play a vital role in a building’s lateral load path. Whether that lateral load is from seismic activity or wind forces, the diaphragm is responsible for distributing that lateral load to the shear walls. This session provides guidance on the proper design of engineered wood diaphragm and subdiaphragm systems. Participants will learn best practices as they are guided through simple design examples. AIA and ICC credit available to participants.
Design for Force Transfer Around Openings (FTAO)
This webinar includes an overview of APA's free design tool, the Force Transfer Around Openings (FTAO) Calculator, and explains how it can help engineers and code officials in the design implementation of FTAO shear walls. The presentation provides a quick review of code requirements for shear walls and focuses on code-accepted FTAO design methods. It also introduces APA’s FTAO research and findings on full-scale wall models and how the results influenced the development of the FTAO calculator. APA deflection methodology, updates to APA’s Design for Force Transfer Around Openings Technical Note, Form T555, and a strap development length example are also covered. AIA and ICC credit available to participants.
2024 Structural Panel & Engineered Wood Yearbook
The Yearbook includes an analysis of the U.S., Canadian and global economies, focusing on factors that impact demand for engineered wood products across market segments as a basis for forecasting expected production. In addition to analysis and forecast, the Yearbook also includes historical data on engineered wood production.