APA Wall Bracing Calculator

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Welcome to the APA Wall Bracing Calculator. This tool is intended to simplify the design of residential structures that comply with 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018 or 2021 International Residential Code (IRC) wall bracing requirements.

This calculator is intended for use by experienced designers that are familiar with wall bracing.

With the APA Wall Bracing Calculator:

  1. Create a project and identify its pertinent details.
  2. Pictorially identify and calculate the bracing requirements of each braced wall line.
  3. Pictorially identify, qualify and locate each bracing segment on a given wall line.
  4. Export the results to a printable document.

Download the APA Wall Bracing Calculator Quick Start Guide for a tutorial.


This video walks new users through the basics of the APA Wall Bracing Calculator, a free tool that creates printable reports showing 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018 or 2021 IRC wall bracing compliance. The reports are accepted by most local jurisdictions. Running time 1:43.